Confidential Advice for Chair and Directors

Being Chair of a Board comes with great additional responsibility. There are times you must confront a challenging issue within your Board, be it governance or people related. If you have a confidential independent experienced knowledgeable ear and sounding board, then you can give yourself a better opportunity to identify suitable options to either take back to the board for a way forward or personally resolve the challenging issue (if that is what is required). Because your performance as Chair is in the spotlight, our independent advice makes it easier for you to get focus and clarity which means better results and less friction. All Directors look to their Chair, as the leader and first among equals, to provide leadership and certainty.

Being a Director on a board comes with a lot of uncertainty. It also comes with, at times, some complex personalities, behaviours and relationships. Directors seeking clarity of role and additional governance education, directors experiencing conflict or lack of direction on their board can also benefit from a confidential independent experienced knowledgeable ear and sounding board. You must take 100% responsibility for your accountability in your board role. If you are not being effective as a Director, then the board and the organisation suffers. Because your individual effort and performance makes the whole board more functional, some coaching or advice means you will have more effective contribution and growth as a Director. All Directors seek success and growth from their appointment and time on a board.

All advice remains strictly confidential and comes from hands on experience with Boards plus current governance thought and research.

RRP $250 (AUD) per hour

Contact us on to start the conversation.