Be the ripple

“I alone can’t change the world but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa. Your actions can cause another to act more positively and professionally. How much of your work day is spent on what you were hired to do (think &act strategically, engage in creativity, focus on desired impact & create positive influence) versus reacting to phone calls, meetings, email, people interrupting & your “to do” list? Have you fallen into the reaction trap? Reaction relies on the fight or flight response of our biologically primitive self. Break the reaction chain by breaking state. Mindful breathing like the “Box Method” is an easy and effective tool. Conscious leadership is best achieved using our whole selves: mind, body, breath, inner & deepest self. With greater conscious awareness, we’re able to move beyond the reaction trap to creating outcomes. We need to make conscious choices, create boundaries & slow down enough to manage priorities & take the time to really think. Differentiating between the reaction trap & creating outcomes requires higher levels of conscious awareness. What outcomes are most important for you to create?consciousleadership emotionalintelligence consciousmovement success results performance